

news-thu-1In recent years, Chinese medicine has frequently gone abroad and moved internationally, forming a wave of Chinese medicine fever. Traditional Chinese medicine is my country's traditional medicine and it is also a treasure of the Chinese nation. In the current society where western medicine and western medicine are the mainstream, to make Chinese medicine recognized by the market requires scientific theoretical basis and modern production methods for Chinese medicine. At the same time, Chinese medicine enterprises and related industrial chains are also required to make efforts on the path of modernization of Chinese medicine.

Feng Min, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, chief scientist of the R&D team of China Science Health Industry Group (hereinafter referred to as “Zhongke”), and president of the Institute of Chinese Medicine Modernization of Chinese Medicine, said that the development trend of Chinese medicine modernization is to move towards technology and inherit the theory of Chinese medicine. Based on scientific and technological innovation and multi-disciplinary integration, construct technical methods and standard norm systems suitable for the characteristics of Chinese medicine, and develop modern Chinese medicine scientific research and industrial production technology.

Deeply cultivate the industry, explore the path of modernization of Chinese medicine

Feng Min's subsidiary Nanjing Zhongke Pharmaceutical, a subsidiary of Zhongke Health Group, is mainly engaged in the research of Chinese medicine, and was approved to establish the "Jiangsu Province Chinese Medicine Modernization Technology Research Center" in 2019.

Feng Min introduced that Zhongke has been deeply involved in the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine for 36 years, consolidating basic scientific research on the effective ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine, and conducting scientific research on the active ingredients of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides and Ganoderma lucidum triterpenes. At the same time, from Ginkgo biloba extract, Shiitake mushroom extract, Danshen extract, Astragalus extract, Gastrodia extract, lycopene extract, grape seed and other extracts in terms of efficacy, pharmacology, toxicology, individual differences, etc., develop Basic scientific research work.

Feng Min was originally a researcher at the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He said that the reason why he embarked on the modernization of Chinese medicine was because in 1979, the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, where he worked, participated in the investigation of deaths from malignant tumors in my country and published the "People's Republic of China" Atlas of Malignant Tumors.

Feng Min said that through this investigation, I have clarified the occurrence and death of tumors across the country from tumor epidemiology, etiology studies, and environmental carcinogenic factors, and embarked on the path of studying the pathogenesis of tumors and the basic theories of treatment. It was also from here that I began to devote myself to the research of the modernization of Chinese medicine.

What is the modernization of Chinese medicine? Feng Min introduced that the modernization of Chinese medicine refers to the selection of traditional and effective Chinese medicines, the selection of effective ingredients and extraction and concentration under pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, toxicological safety tests, and the final formation of modern Chinese medicines with strong effectiveness , Strong security and auditable features.

"The process of modernization of traditional Chinese medicine must carry out double-blind tests and toxicity tests." Feng Min said that it is impossible for modern Chinese medicines not to carry out toxicological safety research. After toxicological tests are carried out, toxicity should be graded and non-toxic ingredients should be selected and used. .

Raise standards and connect with the international market

Modern Chinese medicine is different from traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Feng Min introduced that traditional Chinese medicine has obvious advantages in the treatment of diseases and the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, but its mechanism of action has not been fully demonstrated by modern science and lacks standardization. While inheriting the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, modern Chinese medicine pays more attention to safety and standardization, with clear efficacy, clear ingredients, clear toxicology and safety.

Speaking of the difference between Chinese and Western medicine, Feng Min said that Western medicine has clear targets and quick onset, but it also has toxic side effects and drug resistance. These properties determine the limitations of western medicine in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for health and conditioning since ancient times. Feng Min said that Chinese medicine has obvious advantages in the treatment of chronic diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine is used in soup or wine. This is quite a water extraction and alcohol extraction of Chinese medicinal materials, but it is only limited. Due to technology, the specific ingredients are not clear. The modern Chinese medicine extracted through experiments and technology has clarified the specific ingredients, allowing patients to understand what they are eating.

Although Chinese medicine has unique advantages, in Feng Min's view, there are still bottlenecks in the internationalization of Chinese medicine. "A major bottleneck in the internationalization of Chinese medicine is the lack of quantitative research." Feng Min said that in many countries and regions in Europe and the United States, Chinese medicine lacks a legal drug identity. According to western medicine, without a certain amount, there is no certain quality, and there is no certain effect. Quantitative research on traditional Chinese medicine is a huge problem. It involves not only scientific research, but also existing medical regulations, pharmacopoeial laws, and traditional medication habits.

Feng Min said that at the enterprise level, it is necessary to raise standards. There is a big difference between China’s existing standards and international standards. Once TCM products enter the international market, they need to re-register and apply. If they are produced in full accordance with international standards and norms from the beginning, they can save a lot when entering the international market. Earlier gains in time.

Inheritance and persistence, pass on the achievements of independent innovation of Chinese medicine

Feng Min is not only a researcher of Chinese medicine, but also the inheritor of Nanjing's intangible cultural heritage (the traditional knowledge and application of Ganoderma lucidum). He introduced that Ganoderma lucidum is a treasure in traditional Chinese medicine and has a long history of medicinal use in China for more than 2,000 years. The ancient Chinese pharmacy book "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" lists Ganoderma lucidum as top-grade, which means effective and non-toxic medicinal materials.

Ganoderma lucidum is now included in the catalog of both medicine and food. Feng Min stated that Ganoderma is a large-scale fungus with pharmacological effects. Its fruit bodies, mycelium, and spores contain about 400 substances with different biological activities. These substances include triterpenes, polysaccharides, nucleotides, and sterols. , Steroids, fatty acids, trace elements, etc.

"my country's Ganoderma lucidum industry is developing rapidly, and market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. The current output value has exceeded 10 billion yuan." Feng Min said that China Science and Technology Pharmaceuticals has been in-depth scientific research in Ganoderma lucidum anti-tumor research for 20 years. Branch has been granted 14 national invention patents. In addition, a complete GMP pharmaceutical and health food production base has been established, and a strict quality assurance system has been established to ensure product quality and stability.

"Workers must first sharpen their tools if they want to do their jobs well." To embark on a path to the modernization of Chinese medicine in the field of Chinese medicine, one must first master the modern science and technology of Chinese medicine. Feng Min said that Zhongke has mastered the core technology of Chinese medicine extraction, perfected industrial production, and created a modern industry of Ganoderma lucidum. The two innovative Chinese medicines developed by Ganoderma lucidum spores are currently undergoing clinical trials.

Feng Min introduced that the Ganoderma lucidum products of Zhongke have moved to Singapore, France, the United States and other places. He emphasized that in the process of modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese traditional Chinese medicine companies should continue to innovate while inheriting and sticking to them, continuously show the charm of traditional Chinese medicine to the world, and pass on China's achievements in independent innovation.

Post time: Feb-17-2022